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Poland's FM - 21 years not enough for Norway mass murderer

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 25.07.2011 07:44
Poland's foreign minister Radek Sikorski thinks that 21 years in prison for the Norwegian mass killer suspect Anders Behring Breivik - the maximum sentence under Norwegian law - is not enough.


"21 years is not enough for such a cold [blooded] bastard. He executed people, should we not justly repay him?" Sikorski wrote on his Twitter account on Sunday.

The 32-year-old Anders Behring Breivik is being charged with the murder of 93 people last Friday in an orgy of killing in Oslo and the island of Utøya, but faces what many think is a lenient maximum sentence of 21 years.

The far-right nationalist has reportedly admited his guilt, saying the attacks were “atrocious, but necessary”, according to his lawyer.


A 1500 word 'manifesto' written by the alleged killer details the planning behind the attacks. The document goes under the title "2083", the anniversary of the Battle of Vienna, led by Polish king Jan Sobieski among others.

In the 'manifesto' Breivik writes:

"John III Sobieski and the Holy League successfully defended Europe against an army of more than 150 000 Muslims at the Battle of Vienna.

"New European cultural conservative Independence Day should be celebrated on September 11th or 12th marking the successful defence of Western Europe by the Holy League. The Battle of Vienna in 1683 should be celebrated as the Independence Day for all Western Europeans as it was the beginning of the end for the second Islamic wave of Jihads," writes Breivik. (pg)

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