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Supermarket tax to help small shops: PM Szydło

PR dla Zagranicy
Roberto Galea 08.01.2016 15:09
A tax on hypermarkets announced by Poland's Law and Justice (PiS) government will likely aid smaller retailers, Prime Minister Beata Szydło has said.
Premierministerin Beata SzydłoPremierministerin Beata SzydłoPAP/Radek Pietruszka

“The hypermarket tax will give small commercial enterprises in Poland a fighting chance to compete on the market,” Szydło told members of the retail industry during consultations on Friday.

Szydło added that such a tax sends a message to Polish retailers that “they have a tool, which, if used right, can give them a chance to compete and stay afloat on the market”.

In a recent interview with the PAP news agency, Finance Minister Paweł Szałamacha said that he would like to see the tax in force by 1 March, 2016.

The new tax was one of the main items on PiS’s electoral programme and is designed to counterbalance some of the costs incurred by other promises such as the PLN 500+ allowance programme for families with children.

The hypermarket is expected to raise some PLN 2 billion in revenues in 2016. (rg/pk)

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